「Stop population growth」(人口増加を止めて下さい)ファイル・サイズ79KBをお配り下さい。
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fj.disaster.misc(2015/04/15 9:35,Date,Wed,15 Apr 2015 09:35:11 +0900 Lines:1034)79KB size file
Subject'Stop population growth.'translation all langage as I could,please send all people.
Japan Hiroshima city Nagasaki city living people wished
~without nuclear weapon from this world forever~last 70 years from 1945
(dead about 300,000 people at nuclear weapon's war by American's air attack at August 6 and 9 1945),
now danger of gloval warming,disaster of rain snow flood wind became many,
from 2014,we think sad of American's forces of ISIS let's do without nuclear weapon from this world soon,
by population incleace stop!
I wish,birth ban,1 year after all bank close,farm without use oil,about 20 years after all school close,
without hospital of care sad old human,peaceful forever world.Now global warming,let's fact this!
If word miss,sorry.Nice to meet you.