Here's an exercise you can do to any practice, that will help your athletes learn balance.

Why do it:
A great freestyle is based on a solid body line. Sometimes swimmers MASK that line by using their arms and legs for support. This exercise can help focus on the core.

How to do it:
1 - Swim freestyle with your legs together and toes points.
2 - Don't kick.

How to do it really well (the fine points):
This works on a few things;
- In order to keep the legs up, there needs to be SOME velocity to keep things in line, so they can't go too slow.
- When the legs start to fall, the swimmer will need to tighten their core to keep the line rigid.
- When they've mastered keeping the legs in line, when they start to add the kick back in, the goal is that the kick is now more propulsive than supportive.