Starcast for the week beginning July 4th, 2018
Currently, the Sun is in fellow water sign Cancer and is enhancing your life force as it forms stellar angles of support
to your ruler Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio. Jupiter stations direct on Tuesday, July 10, and will progress
forward again to partner with Neptune in the coming month with limitless energy for you to reach higher levels of your
personal potential, whether in spiritual pursuits or in areas that are linked with raising your awareness and capacity to
understand your greater purpose in this world. Mercury in Leo is opposing Mars retrograde in Aquarius early on which
may create some annoying distractions that take you away from what feels best but just tend to what is being asked
of you in the moment, and that heavenly surge will return. Venus enters your opposite sign late Monday, July 9, and
will form a power trine with Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus to help you connect with others who have the
power to help you take your journey into another dimension.

One serendipitous moment is set to suddenly change the course of your life!