Your Monthly Horoscope for July
Zipping along in a happy-go-lucky frame of mind, you'll be flirting, having fun and enjoying the attention of loved ones
and friends. This is your time to be spontaneous and let your inner child out to play. There'll be good news coming in
from abroad or a distance away which will broaden your horizons and give you an exciting plan for the future. A friendship
will go through a tense few days before mid month but try not to get over involved. The less said, soonest mended.
If you feel short of attention and affection then you need to give more. What goes around comes around and it isn't always
the negative things. In the final days you'll have to push enjoyment aside and settle down to a harder working, more dutiful
phase. Try not to over react even if you get frustrated by delays or setbacks. Being overly honest, however justified will
only ruffle more feathers.