Pisces Monthly July 2018

July is dominated by two important eclipses.
The first, on July 13th is in another of the Water signs but is part of a planetary picture involving Pluto.
There's high probability that between this date and the Lunar Eclipse on July 27th, that market turbulence will occur.
For those seeking to trade, it would be wise only to do so under the guidance of an experienced trader.
Though Pisces instincts are likely to be good, you don't want to fall foul by not understanding the rules of the now very technically orientated game.
Of course, all signs will be affected by these eclipses which themselves often mark both endings and beginnings.
Yet there is another Solar Eclipse to come in August and it may be that this summer will be full of unexpected twists and turns.
Financially you could be destabilised by matters far beyond your control.
It may be that new rules regarding either taxation or interest rates make it hard to balance accounts.
All this said, through this period you could make some extremely wise buys.
In particular, after Jupiter stations in another of the Water signs on July 11th you could tune in to either recycling or turning no-longer-loved items into cash.
In this you may be particularly successful both over the weekend of 14th 15 and the weekend of 28th 29th.