Pisces Weekly Sunday 24th June 2018

This last week of June is unlikely to prove easy for anyone.
Not only does Mars turn retrograde on Tuesday, but Thursday's Full Moon aligns with Saturn.
This could put the brakes on for many people.
You could feel this acutely within groups.
It may be that there needs to be a tightening of a budget or a reduction in the number of people on a team.
A further possibility, - and especially given that Mars turns retrograde in a very fragile area of your solar chart, -
is that an administrative error will bring headaches.
It's a curious thing that those born under Pisces can sometimes appear to be the best Virgos in the world i.e. you can be superefficient.
It's perhaps easier for you to do that for others than for yourself.
So yes, there is the possibility of you being called to account.
With the Full Moon out of the way however, signals are more positive.
From then you could use your considerable charm and yes, even find a way of swimming around any challenges.
Key seems to be fulfilling obligations in a timely manner.