Starcast for the week beginning September 26th, 2018
When your inner space is in balance, you tend to attract more of what your imagination wishes to materialize.
A Full Moon in Aries on Tuesday, Sept. 25, has the effect of activating something deep within your Soul as
the Sun and Mercury in Libra receives a powerful trine from Mars in Aquarius in your house of the ideal.
You may have experienced something out of the norm or even out of this world, and it had a way of changing you.
New light is streaming in and onto your path and it is revealing an alternative way forward that you had not
considered before. Something is now giving you greater reason to dream and you are fueling that picture for
all it is worth. Mars, the planet of action and desire, rules Aries and is in a prime position to this lunar scene,
as it is exposing you to some changing scenery and having you expand your horizons a bit more. Venus,
the planet of that which holds value and meaning, is in fellow water sign Scorpio and is slowing down to
reverse directions on Friday, Oct. 5. There is an international influence here and a need to extend your reach,
either into the deep or out into the world.

Fall into the feeling. Your Soul knows exactly where it’s going!