Your Week Ahead - Mon 24th September
Starting the week with the Moon in Pisces is always an advantage or at least it was until three months ago, when
the first planet returned to your relationship sector. Since then the Moon's monthly visits have resulted in an
opposition that had the potential to create some personal and/or relationship tension. Last month this created
a Full Moon, with even strong emotional responses.

Yet while you start the week with the Moon in Pisces, you have also dodged a bullet. That is because the Sun and
Mercury both left your relationship sector over the weekend. Instead this is a chance to regroup and the timing
couldn't be better. At a point in the year where there is a lot starting to come together, this was always going to
be a chance to listen to your own voice.

Yet this is also dreamy Neptune's final days on his own before Chiron, planet of healing returns on Wednesday.
Time spent navel gazing or daydreaming will be good for body, mind and soul.