Pisces Love
Friday 21st September 2018

It's probable you'll welcome the fresh energy that comes with the Equinox this weekend.
This coincides with the Moon's move through your sign and is indicaive of increased sociability.
By the Full Moon on Tuesday it would be understandable if you were highly excited by someone who captures your attention if not your heart this weekend.
Both you and they could be dressed to impress.
From a friendship point of view this should be a hugely important time.
It might be as well though to factor in that others are carrying considerable emotional baggage and may not be free to tune in to your particular needs for a short time yet.
Be prepared too, to notice fractures in even the most apparently stable of unions.
With Venus stationing early next month a rocky ride is promised for all signs.
By next weekend it may be important to remind others of singular and memorable romantic moments of the past that perhaps, just perhaps, they should aim to repeat.