Your Week Ahead - Mon 10th September
The focus is on your relationships this week and especially in the early part of the week. You not only start the week
with the Moon in your relationship sector, but aligned with the Sun to create a New Moon on Monday. The Sun will
always put the solar spotlight on your relationships at this time of year and in all your relationships, a New Moon is
a chance to commit to your relationships, the future and the journey ahead.

With Mercury, planet of communication spending his first, last and only full week here, the timing couldn't be better.
In the meantime, there is an exciting new energy in play, one that takes an already strong sense of adventure to
a whole new level.

It was on Sunday that Venus returned to your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery, on the same day
that Jupiter moved into his final two months here. Together Venus and Jupiter open the door to an exciting two
months for adventure, travel, learning and discovery.