For July 7-13, 2018
Image: "On the bottom of the ocean, four translucent pearls"
Message: The appearance of wisdom.

Romantic and family relationships will now enter a subtle period of adjustment and improved communications.
Emotional differences and complications due to competing lifestyles will be more easily addressed over the next few weeks.
Some Pisceans may also find that a business official or partner now presents an unusual idea for returning to an old project or resurrecting the past.
Go slow here and expect new workplace information to arrive next week.
After Wednesday a moody or self-reflective relative may announce an important decision.
Key areas of concern may involve home financing, past romantic triangles or living arrangements.
Wait for more information: by the end of August family and romantic obligations may change several times.
Early next week plan new social activities with close friends: shared emotions and fresh diversions will be pleasing.