Your Week Ahead - Mon 22nd January

You've been craving some down time, and this week with the Suns move into a very retiring part of your zodiac, your wish
has been granted. Your mind may dwell on old friends and places now, and there is also a possibility that you will make
some solid life decisions. Situations that are no longer working well in your life may certainly come up for review and
consideration. Overall, the next month is an opportunity for you to spend some quality time with yourself, and if this means
being a bit reclusive, then so be it.

Drive and force are far from your agenda, you would much rather listen to some peaceful music in the privacy of your own
home, and company. Almost at the same time, Mars, the planet of action, is entering your professional zone, and although
you put lots of effort into your work now, you may go about it in a quiet and determined manner, that brings learning. There
is the propensity for a power struggle in a friendship on Wednesday, but with Jupiter, the ruler of your sign, transmitting
benevolent energy to Mercury in this arena, I'm thinking that you will deal with this in an open hearted and optimistic way.