Starcast for the week beginning November 8th, 2017

You are in the process of building your base in your own unique way, in the hopes of ultimately creating your life according
to your own natural design. You have earned those Soul stripes and now it is time to let the universe feed you what it can
to help you take something all the way. Saturn in Sagittarius has been energizing your house of career and the public self
and is in place to help you receive some well deserved recognition or at least to grant you with the priceless feeling of
knowing you have weathered the storm and come out on top. As Saturn finds Uranus in Aries for one last tango, you too
find you want to celebrate the climb and the memories that made you who you are today. You are granted a lens of objectivity
that allows you to see into your past with greater compassion and understanding while looking into your future with eager
anticipation. Jupiter and Venus also fuse favorably in fellow water sign Scorpio to generously enhance your vision for what
sits on the horizon, while bathing you with an optimism that has you swimming with confidence that all will come true.

The power of your belief will be enough to 'let it be'!