>>772 >>773

Yamaguchi found mentioned a "Turkish bath for South Korean troops", "acts of prostitution taking place",
"Vietnamese women working" and the letter said that US troops could also use the facility which was
intended to be "exclusively for South Korean troops" if they paid a "fee of US$38 per visit".


Konstantin Asmolov, PhD in History, Leading Research Fellow at the Center for Korean Studies of
the Institute of Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

>South Koreans were not, with some exceptions, deployed in main battles, but instead in cleanup operations,
>during which they proved their eagerness and left a fairly bloody footprint in their wake.

>Vietnamese historians and the media openly talk about the fact that the ROK leadership created “comfort stations”
>for its military personnel for reasons similar to those of the Japanese.
US Vietnam War veterans also testified that these baths were called war brothels and employed Vietnamese girls.
According to reports by CNN journalists, at times, women were forced to have sex dozens of times every day,
and were regularly examined by Americans or US personnel for sexually transmitted diseases.
→同じく米国のベトナム戦争帰還兵はこれらの(トルコ)風呂は戦争売春宿(war brothels)と呼ばれ、ベトナムの女の子を
