
Blair Henley: I hear players say all the time that you can learn something from the wins and losses when you've played as many matches as you have.
Is that still true at this point?

Roger Federer: Yeah, more from the losses than the wins and sometimes you know your wins you don't remember them that vividly after a while
the losses always stay longer with you it's normal even more so like a finals like you had when you're so close
but it's part of the game and I think important is the reaction I show from here on going forward and a action I was a bit mad you know the way I did
but at the same time I felt like can't wait for my next rematch with Novak or my next time I can step on a match court again and show what I can do
and instead of saying like oh everything's bad I hope I never have to play tennis again after a match like this it's just horrible
I think it's important to pick yourself up right away and have a positive mindset going n forward and I feel like I totally have that
