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2010/10/31(日) 13:05:31ID:50C+jprn
S+ アフリカゾウ 
S インドゾウ
S- インドサイ シロサイ
A+ カバ クロサイ アムールトラ ベンガルトラ アフリカライオン
A  キリン バッファロー アラスカヒグマ
B+ ナイルワニ イリエワニ ジャガー モリイノシシ 
B  ヒョウ ピューマ  ブチハイエナ  
B- ゴリラ オオアナコンダ ツキノワグマ ハイイロオオカミ
C+ チーター コモドオオトカゲ
C  チンパンジー
垢版 |
2021/01/13(水) 18:34:49.87ID:3Y+h/4pC
Female cougar mauls lion to death in a brutal zoo conflict
This is Simba a glorious Male lion that has touched the hearts of many at the zoo for years. With a full mane and a king like walk, everyone seemed to fall in love him.
But heart break was felt across the yesterday when a 3 year old female cougar somehow got into his enclosure. The two cats had connecting enclosures.
The female cougar whose named is Alice proceed to charge to Simba and a furious battle took plase. The battle lasted about 90 second, but the damage was done.
Simba had several terrible lacerations across his face, and his throat torn out. As well as the loss of one his canine teeth and his right rostril.
"We did are best to seperate the cats, and tryed in vein to separate them, but our efforts weren't enough", says zoo director Mike Clifton.
Simba was taken to the operator table in a last attemmpt to save his life, but it was in vein. Simba took his last breath 8 minutes after arriving at the opperation table.
The zoo says they will donate the body for reseach and to help understand the lion dna. Alice the 3 year old cougar remains at the zoo.
しかし、昨日、3歳の女性のクーガーがどういうわけか雄のライオン「シンバ」の囲いに入ったとき、失恋が感じられました。 2匹の猫は囲いを接続していました。アリスという名前の女性のクーガーはシンバに突撃し始め、激しい戦いが始まりました。
動物園は彼らが研究のために体を寄付し、ライオンのDNAを理解するのを助けると言っている。 3歳のクーガーのアリスは動物園に残っています。
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2021/01/13(水) 18:36:45.75ID:3Y+h/4pC
Leopard mauls lion to death at popular amusement park in South Korea
Everland amusement park is famous for housing big cats together ,bears, giraffes, elephants, and other exotic animals.
But yesterday a terrible scene unfolded. A leopard known as "Chang " somehow got out of his enclosure and ventured into the lion and tiger exhibit, he was attacked by "Bengi" a male lion.
The two wanted at it, snarling teeth out and clows flying. The battle lasted about four minutes. But suprisingly it was the spotted cat "Chang" that came out the victor, without seemingly a mark on him.
"Bengi" on the other hand was torn to pieces, torn throat, lacerated belly, and severe facial lacerration.
Efforts were made to save "Bengi" life, but they were not sucsessful. He died 20 minutes later on the operating table as a result of his injuries.
Everland officials say they plan to donate "Bengi" body for scientific research.
二人はそれを欲しがり、歯を唸らせ、鳴き声を飛ばした。 戦いは約4分続きました。 しかし、驚いたことに、彼にマークを付けずに勝利者を出したのは、発見された猫「チャン」でした。
彼は20分後に怪我の結果として手術台で亡くなりました。 エバーランド当局は、科学研究のために「ベンギ」の遺体を寄付する予定だと述べています。
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