asterisk 11.25.1 と を使って、FUSION 電話でIP-FAX作りたいんだけど、手始めのasteriskの ./configureが出来ないの??  なんか、下記の様なエラ−が出てmake出来ないんよ
だれか解消方法しってる人いる?? は、旧verのasteriskしか対応してないっぽいから、asterisk 11を使おうと思います

configure: WARNING: ***
configure: WARNING: *** libsrtp could not be linked as a shared object.
configure: WARNING: *** Try compiling libsrtp manually. Configure libsrtp
configure: WARNING: *** with ./configure CFLAGS=-fPIC --prefix=/usr
configure: WARNING: *** replacing /usr with the prefix of your choice.
configure: WARNING: *** After re-installing libsrtp
configure: WARNING: *** configure script.
configure: WARNING: ***
configure: WARNING: *** If you do not need SRTP support re-run configure
configure: WARNING: *** with the --without-srtp option.