21 名前:不明なデバイスさん[] 投稿日:03/10/27 18:21 ID:l85w/t/G
Q How long is the life-time of LCD?
A The life-time of LCD is almost the same as that of a back light.
The luminosity of a back light will be reduced half in 30,000 to 50,000 hours approximately.

Q Should I care the refresh rate?
A The LCD displays PC screen continuasly, so you should not care the refresh rate on LCD.
If you use analog connection, you should better choose 60Hz.

Q Screen flickers...
A The back light needs around 30 minutes to be stabilized.
If you use analog connection, please confirm the clock-and-phase tuning.
Fortunately your LCD is equipped, perform automatic adjustment.

Q Brightness brings me an eye-exhaustion...
A Let your LCD be less luminous at first.
Recently, LCD is set far brighter than neccesity for the purpose of striking users such as
you at a shop by default. It could be improved by a filter, please take a look following.

FYI http://from.milkcafe.to/filter.htm

Q Font blurred...
A Use your LCD at recommended resolution, and also poor video device may cause to a bad
visibility as blurred, cross-colored, or such.
Generally speaking, On-Board video device is poor in both performance and quality.

Q Display doesn't catch up with the scrolling and quick move...
A Cathode-Ray-Tube or RDT-17*S will make you feel good.