↓の構造体の dc_rect の矩形が子ウィンドウを模倣するために使われているかも知れません:
/* X physical device */
typedef struct {
  struct gdi_physdev dev;
  GC      gc;     /* X Window GC */
  Drawable   drawable;
  RECT     dc_rect;    /* DC rectangle relative to drawable */
  RECT     *bounds;    /* Graphics bounds */
  HRGN     region;    /* Device region (visible region & clip region) */
  X_PHYSPEN   pen;
  X_PHYSBRUSH  brush;
  int      depth;    /* bit depth of the DC */
  ColorShifts *color_shifts; /* color shifts of the DC */
  int      exposures;  /* count of graphics exposures operations */

BOOL X11DRV_LineTo( PHYSDEV dev, INT x, INT y ) {
  X11DRV_PDEVICE *physDev = get_x11drv_dev( dev );
  POINT pt[2];
  GetCurrentPositionEx( dev->hdc, &pt[0] );
  pt[1].x = x;
  pt[1].y = y;
  LPtoDP( dev->hdc, pt, 2 );
  add_pen_device_bounds( physDev, pt, 2 );
  if (X11DRV_SetupGCForPen( physDev ))
    XDrawLine(gdi_display, physDev->drawable, physDev->gc,
         physDev->dc_rect.left + pt[0].x, physDev->dc_rect.top + pt[0].y,
         physDev->dc_rect.left + pt[1].x, physDev->dc_rect.top + pt[1].y );
  return TRUE;