■どうして、志賀氏の「Ubuntu Japanese Teamが機能不全に陥ってる」が事実無根なのか(2)

> Personally I don't think the IRC meeting is relevant at this stage.

> Yes, Our IRC meeting habits have are died. Our meeting triggered by mail in ubuntu-jp lists, sorry for this and not clearly announcement.
> - If you want to get translator rights, please use this procedure (at Japanese wiki).
> see also: https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/enroll/translator_candidates
> 0) Fill your prereq activities
> 1) Update the meeting wiki.
> 2) Mail to ubuntu-jp lists for convocation.
> 3) Get translator rights, if you have enough credence.
> IMPORTANT NOTE: right of Ubuntu Japanese Translator are not mandatary for Japanese translations.
> But, I have to say in a straightforward way in this situation with strong pain, but I say with my sincerity.
> So, Your translation quantities are readlly good (and enough for reviewing), but that doesn't have enough quality in this moment.
> Please take the suggestions seriously from Ikuya Awashiro before few years ago.
