For April 3-9, 2021
Image: "In a long bank line-up, a young boy with a shiny new dime"
Message: Detailed accounts.

This week many Pisceans will be asked to finalize home documents or begin a series of financial negotiations.
All looks positive and rewarding, so not to worry.
Do, however, expect progress to take several weeks.
Minor issues of ownership, dates, schedules or long-term payments may be on the agenda.
After Tuesday a powerful wave of romance, sensuality and renewed affection arrives.
Both long-term and new relationships will be affected: watch for a quick increase in emotional requests and passionate invitations.
To some degree, long-term family obligations may also require attention.
If so, expect a romantic partner or friend to challenge the needs or ongoing demands of a loved one.
Remain diplomatic: your actions will be closely scrutinized.