Pisces Weekly Sunday 28th March 2021

As you well know, it's important to be clear.
As Mercury passes through your sign there is though the danger of you assuming that others are picking up on the spaces between your words and what you really mean.
Post Sunday's Full Moon, clarity is essential.
Mercury leaves your sign next weekend and after then, plans first discussed should be implemented.
The greater the clarity, the greater the possibility of success.
The really good news is that an idea that was incubated toward the end of last year should move closer to the launch pad.
In this you may be indebted to someone
who either works in the field of further education, has a legal background or considerable knowledge about marketing and networking.
A blend of your contacts could make a real difference.
Note too, that in these last few days of March, that many people will value your opinion on their designs and presentation strategies.