Pisces Quarterly

Your imagination could be fired around the Full Moon on January 28 when a group of planets in neighbouring Aquarius oppose the Leo Full Moon.
There is high probability of an announcement being both deeply unsettling yet exciting.
Your imagination could be set into high gear.
It's never good to panic, but maintaining control of your thoughts will likely be challenging as Mercury enters its retrograde phase between the end of January and mid-February.
By February 17, and with news (most likely from those born under the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius) in some way comforting, your thoughts are likely to be shaken yet again.
The interesting thing about this, is that by the time that Mars reaches the base of your solar chart on March 4,
you could be ready to either uproot entirely, alter career course, redecorate or merge with a new team.
This should keep you super busy between March 4 and 21st so that by the time the Sun leaves your sign, you feel to have been transported to a new world.