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2020/04/22(水) 10:08:43.54ID:13B65Rdj
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2020/07/08(水) 17:19:26.39ID:PhWOS74S
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2020/07/10(金) 05:28:14.05ID:maxQA179
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2020/07/11(土) 00:38:52.38ID:PCjJfLab
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2020/07/11(土) 02:20:07.95ID:Yd3HeVxw
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2020/07/16(木) 02:15:50.56ID:AYKA6R8e
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2020/08/03(月) 06:59:33.45ID:Hma6BXSz
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2020/08/03(月) 16:46:17.99ID:mZnQKcJ1
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2020/08/03(月) 20:01:39.60ID:7fQq/cbT
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2020/08/03(月) 20:14:08.67ID:c0QecJ/Y
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2020/08/04(火) 13:22:11.52ID:Ro5aEylC
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2020/08/08(土) 06:34:20.39ID:aA1l0SyU
Firstly, in a pan heat 1tbsp butter and saute onion.
also, add turnip cook till it become soft now add coriander powder saute for 10,15 sec.Now add 1 cup palak and saute until palak shrinks.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:34:44.36ID:aA1l0SyU
Now add cup paneer and saute well,cook for 1,2 minute.
further add mixed herbs, chilli flakes, pepper and salt.
saute and mix well. the mixture is ready, keep aside.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:35:31.74ID:aA1l0SyU
Now take 2 slices of bread and spread butter on each slice of bread.
spread 2 tbsp of prepared mixture over bread slice.
cover with another slice of bread and press gently.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:36:04.53ID:aA1l0SyU
Now heat a tawa,Roast the sandwich with butter on both sides.
finally, cut the bread in half and serve spinach,paneer,turnip sandwich is ready to serve.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:37:15.72ID:aA1l0SyU
Lots of people couldn’t wait for the return of the Turnip. A few, maybe are really dreading it. Enzo gets credit for the sign, we ran this last year.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:37:52.33ID:aA1l0SyU
All of the seasonal sandwiches start with an ingredient that is great at that particular time of the year.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:38:07.23ID:aA1l0SyU
I was thinking about creating a sandwich with apples, and there’s that classic New England pairing of �apple pie and cheddar.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:38:45.34ID:aA1l0SyU
I wanted a dark leafy green so I chose bunch spinach, which is picked time-wise in between baby spinach and the more fibrous older spinach.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:40:16.45ID:aA1l0SyU
Turnips! When’s the last time you saw someone go wild over a turnip? It’s been some time, I’d wager.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:40:40.22ID:aA1l0SyU
One of the less popular root vegetables, people have been growing them for something like the last 3500 years, and within that stretch someone’s been jazzed about them about 15 times.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:40:56.53ID:aA1l0SyU
Usually you see the opposite sort of reaction, and indeed a short time ago a pair of respected associates were on Twitter disparaging turnips.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:41:10.47ID:aA1l0SyU
I’ve never been a big fan of the turnip, but it happened to strike me that maybe they might make some fine sandwiches, and so I set to work.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:41:18.32ID:aA1l0SyU
Roasting the turnips seemed the natural move to me, as it leaves you with a better flavor than boiling them, and removes the work of changing water mid-cooking.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:43:07.03ID:aA1l0SyU
There are some good sandwiches with fried potatoes in them, but in general adding such a thing throws off the starch-something else-starch balance that is the sandwich.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:43:36.15ID:aA1l0SyU
So I figured if I was going to work with turnips, I had to include some rather large flavors to prevent a bland, starchy experience.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:44:42.11ID:aA1l0SyU
I thought something sweet might play well in there, as smoke and sugar tend to pair exceedingly well, in barbecue and elsewhere.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:45:06.07ID:aA1l0SyU
Caramelized onions are my go-to move for sweet on a sandwich, but I thought I might take it a step further for this occasion and I cooked up a batch of onion jam.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:45:28.32ID:aA1l0SyU
Recipes vary, but in this case it was mostly a few pounds of onions cooked down in a couple cups of red wine and a honey gastrique.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:45:49.19ID:aA1l0SyU
So the turnips, fish, and onion jam went down on some pretzel bread with a bit of horseradish mustard, and that was that.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:47:35.16ID:aA1l0SyU
A New York strip steak, thinly sliced, salted and peppered and thrown in a skillet for just about a minute, went over some roasted turnips and under some provolone.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:50:10.38ID:aA1l0SyU
Melted under the broiler, the whole thing came together as a fairly standard cheesesteak sandwich, except it also included turnips.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:50:47.97ID:aA1l0SyU
The steak and the cheese are each assertive enough in flavor, but neither so much that they might drown out the turnips.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:50:54.99ID:aA1l0SyU
Instead, the turnips give an extra dimension to what can easily be a fairly flat sandwich, and I thought it was quite welcome.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:52:01.09ID:aA1l0SyU
Finally, I wanted something without meat. I’m celebrating a root vegetable, it would be downright negligent of me not to include something my herbivore associates can enjoy.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:55:14.97ID:aA1l0SyU
Finally, I wanted something without meat. I’m celebrating a root vegetable, it would be downright negligent of me not to include something my herbivore associates can enjoy.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:58:31.43ID:aA1l0SyU
For the third sandwich, I cut some heirloom tomatoes into slices about as wide as I had the turnips and gave them the same treatment, a stretch in the oven to boost up their sugars and break them down a bit.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:59:27.73ID:aA1l0SyU
Roast tomatoes and turnips isn’t quite enough for a sandwich, so I roasted some garlic as well and combined it with some minced scallion into a compound butter, which was spread on both sides of the sandwich.
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2020/08/08(土) 06:59:43.28ID:aA1l0SyU
This one was a bit of a mess to eat, as the tomatoes had little structure left, but that didn’t prevent it from being all sorts of tasty.
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2020/08/08(土) 07:00:01.06ID:aA1l0SyU
The garlic, tomatoes and turnips all have their own sweetness, with varying levels of subtlety, and it was a delight to have them working together.
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2020/08/08(土) 07:00:45.24ID:aA1l0SyU
But if you’re just not sure what you might do with them or why they might be enjoyable, I hope I’ve laid out some things that you might find intriguing.
Turnips! If they were good enough for 1500 BC, they’re good enough for you.
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2020/08/08(土) 07:04:53.20ID:aA1l0SyU
Have�you ever made a sandwich and thought, “Everything I’ve ever done in my life pales in comparison to the amazing achievement that is this sandwich”?
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2020/08/08(土) 07:05:33.54ID:aA1l0SyU
It’s vegetarian but packed full of flavor thanks to fresh mozzarella, crispy turnips (which are in season a lot of places right now and surprisingly versatile to cook with), and a spicy aioli.
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2020/08/08(土) 07:05:40.98ID:aA1l0SyU
Damnit I’m making myself hungry just thinking about it. Gotta go make another one now.

Read on for the super easy recipe!
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2020/08/08(土) 07:06:12.35ID:aA1l0SyU

(Makes 1 sandwich)

2 tbsp�olive oil

1 turnip, peeled and sliced into thin rounds

A few leaves of lettuce, tossed with a splash of apple cider vinegar (I used a mix of butter lettuce and mustard greens, but you could also use arugula, romaine whatever greens you have on hand!)

Small�baguette�or hoagie roll

Salt & pepper
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2020/08/08(土) 07:07:48.34ID:aA1l0SyU

1.Heat oil in a saute pan over medium heat. Add turnips and cook until caramelized (3-5 minutes), then flip and caramelize other side, sprinkling each side with salt and pepper. They should still have a bit of crunch to them when you’re done.
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2020/08/08(土) 07:07:55.91ID:aA1l0SyU
2.�Remove turnips from pan and grill both sides of bread in remaining oil (just until warm/slightly browned).
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2020/08/08(土) 07:08:36.43ID:aA1l0SyU
3.In a small bowl, mix mayonnaise with chili garlic sauce and jalapenos. Call it an aioli because it sounds fancier, then spread on both sides of the bread.
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2020/08/08(土) 07:09:39.14ID:aA1l0SyU
6.Eat. Realize all your other life accomplishments pale in comparison to this sandwich. Sit with that realization for a second. Take another bite and be totally OK with it.

Original by Winona Dimeo-Ediger
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2020/08/08(土) 07:21:30.46ID:aA1l0SyU
The toast sandwich is so British and so austere that it seems like something straight out of a Monty Python sketch. The humble dish consists of a piece of buttered toast seasoned with salt and pepper, between two slices of bread. That’s it.
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2020/08/08(土) 07:22:05.77ID:aA1l0SyU
When I first learned of the toast sandwich’s existence during a late-night Wikipedia binge, I found it so perplexing that I simply had to learn more.
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2020/08/08(土) 07:22:30.25ID:aA1l0SyU
Why would anyone subject themselves to this exercise in culinary surrealism? And, ontologically speaking, what makes a sandwich a sandwich?
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2020/08/08(土) 07:24:21.34ID:aA1l0SyU
nagement, a lengthy tome on home economics�published�by Isabella Beeton, a sort of mid-Victorian Martha Stewart. Isabella and he
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2020/08/08(土) 07:24:54.98ID:aA1l0SyU
Isabella wrote articles on household management�covering topics as disparate as hiring servants, caring for sick children, and cooking�for her husband’s publications.
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2020/08/08(土) 07:25:05.51ID:aA1l0SyU
In 1861, her articles were collected and published in book form. The Book of Household Management was a commercial success, selling nearly two million copies by 1868.
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2020/08/08(土) 07:25:47.34ID:aA1l0SyU
This makes sense, as its contents are in keeping with�the BRAT diet(bananas, rice, toast and applesauce) prescribed for people recovering from digestive ailments.
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2020/08/08(土) 07:26:34.72ID:aA1l0SyU
“Place a very thin piece of cold toast between 2 slices of thin bread-and-butter in the form of a sandwich,
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2020/08/08(土) 07:27:06.65ID:aA1l0SyU
“This sandwich may be varied by adding a little pulled meat, or very fine slices of cold meat, to the
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2020/08/08(土) 07:29:11.19ID:aA1l0SyU
seek something more celebratory from Mrs. Beeton's pantheon of rich recipes to welcome back the good times.”
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2020/08/08(土) 07:30:23.24ID:aA1l0SyU
There is a bit of fat from the butter. But the sandwich lacks the vitamins and fiber found in fruits and
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2020/08/08(土) 07:31:32.51ID:aA1l0SyU
Like collards, offal, and other so-called poverty foods, the toast sandwich has�at least in one documented instance�been repackaged as a luxury
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2020/08/08(土) 07:31:39.46ID:aA1l0SyU
experience.Celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal created a version�featuring black truffles, gastrique, and bone-marrow salad.
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