Starcast for the week beginning January 15th, 2020
Good news beckons. Loving Venus is now in your fabulous sign Pisces and she wants nothing more than
to shower you with love and affirmation for all that you bring to this world, as she forms a highly favorable
angle to Uranus. Something you have invested your heart and Soul into may circle back echoing accolades
and validation. You may also hear from the very last person you would expect and it opens doors that lead
to tremendous breakthroughs in your journey. Connections you have made along the way may also prove to
be fruitful and a strong validation of this fact comes through this week. Mercury leaves the steady pace of
Capricorn and enters Aquarius on Thursday, Jan. 16, and immediately forms a frenetic square to Uranus
just before the weekend, energizing the potential for a change in plans, so be open and adaptable. It may
also trigger a conversation with someone that you are not feeling ready to have. Things may feel unfinished
but there will be a chance you are caught off guard.

The seas will calm and more openings for fluid conversation and flow will resume by the middle of next week.
Know what you want before it starts and you will get exactly what you need!