Week starting 1st May
If you're a single Piscean, then with a little help from your friends or one, in particular, you could come face to face with
a potential paramour. Be guided by your open-mindedness this week, because it could be a mental connection that helps
to form or strengthen one special bond. Awkward silences could be replaced with stimulating conversation. With plenty of
lightheartednesses included, you and somebody special might shut out the world to enjoy each other's company ? and in
ways that are your business only!
Month of May
Passionate and libido-enhancing Mars enters your sign on the 13th. Your desire for stimulation on more than one level is
bound to increase, and you'll have the energy to back up your passionate pursuits. If you're single, then you probably won't
struggle to pluck up the courage to make an approach or instigate 'that' conversation. If you're attached, then the one you
love could either be in awe of - or weary from - your increased stamina. Be aware of how your desires could be overpowering
- and how you might need to slow down occasionally to allow a lover to catch up!