Starcast for the week beginning January 8th, 2020
You are pure water, Pisces. You are a Soul who aligns best with flow without limits, the timeless, seamless,
and boundless worlds, where “creation is only limited by your imagination.”(JWG) While you thrive in and
near the water, you cannot live on water alone. Water blends best with the earth, giving you an ideal pairing
for maximum benefit and personal progress during this week’s historical energetic platform. In addition,
loving Venus enters your sign to grant you with an additional cosmic boon early next week on the heels of
a Full Moon Eclipse in fellow water sign Cancer on Friday, Jan.10. Action Mars is also now up at the top of
your chart in Sagittarius, granting you with a certain spotlight like never before. This Full Moon Eclipse
opposes a stellium of planets in Capricorn, speaking to the timing of what is unfolding now linked with your
creative life purpose. An opposition can energize tremendous breakthroughs from a block of some kind,
throwing something off from the past that was getting in the way of your ultimate destination. You will be
catching the world’s attention, someone is about to see you in a new light.

May your Soul rise with the tide!