Week of April 22   Your life could change with one phone call!
You will have a way with words that will capture someone’s undivided attention, as a New Moon in Taurus joins Uranus late
in the west on Wednesday, April 22, which will have your voice lingering in the wind and evoking an emotional response that
you didn’t quite expect.You find a way to express yourself that allows you to emote the power of what lives in your highly
sensitive center, perhaps in ways you never have been able to accomplish. I recommend writing down all that your Soul’s
wishes to experience in the coming future, along with how it will feel once that time arrives. Your words hold tremendous
power this week, Pisces, so express yourself when the feeling moves you. With Uranus so actively involved and Mars in
Aquarius, which is Uranus ruled, ideas may continue to flood your consciousness. Pay attention to the ones that repeat of
their own volition. These blasts of genius are repeating because they are meant for you to follow through with the tug, even
and especially if you are getting messages to reach out to someone who has been on your mind that feels like a skip in a
record. God tends to make things obvious. Reach out and touch someone.