Starcast for the week beginning June 5th, 2019
The unknown can be a real bugger, it can irritate the subconscious like nothing else. Nobody likes waiting around
for the call or wondering where it’s all headed. You Pisces live for the dream and yet like anyone else, you do not
want to be spinning your wheels if something isn’t going anywhere. There may be a varying degree of uncertainty,
as well as not totally being certain which path supports you best with your ruler Neptune squaring Jupiter in
Sagittarius. However, Neptune is also forming a favorable trine to the North Node in fellow water sign Cancer, which
means that higher forces may surface in magical ways, similar to an usher appearing with a flashlight. Mercury
enters Cancer and combines with Uranus just prior to the weekend to help get communications going again, which
helps clear some of the fog. Additionally, Mars is in Cancer which bodes well for you Pisces, as it will energize
a productive momentum that will allow you to feel as if you are making considerable progress. Mars is also moving
into position to oppose Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn the weekend of June 14, which means your dream will not
come without some red tape. However, your will becomes the game changer. Why? Because you are not going to
withdraw your energy, nor will you givein until you get what you want. You are fighting for something Pisces.

Someone recognizes your passion and singles you out, and then pulls you all the way in!