Next Month's Horoscope for January
In full-steam-ahead gear you won't allow distractions or obstacles to get in your way. You'll be laying down
the law, expecting others to dance to your tune and working exceptionally hard. But what may give you pause
for thought is the attitude or situation of certain friends and team mates. They may not be inclined or be in
a position to be as helpful and co-operative as in the past, so you will feel group activities to be more of an
uphill struggle than usual. You'll also need a fair amount of determination to push ahead with long term planning
since circumstances appear to be conspiring to put road blocks in your way. Being a fishy sign you tend to like
swimming with the tide and drifting with the currents, but that won't work now. So dig in your heels and stand
fast for what you really want. A positive attitude will make more difference than you imagine so keep your
hopes high. Charm will also win you arguments and help to defuse tricky situations. Into the final ten days
you relax with a sigh of relief into a quieter few weeks.