Starcast for the week beginning December 25th, 2019
If you have been feeding a dream that reflects a Soul on track, and doing the work that is required to ascend,
the next few weeks may very well feel like ‘breakthrough city’, with a New Moon Eclipse in Capricorn occurring
on Christmas Night in your house of quantum leaps. This experience may be one that you feel within, it could
be a long overdue healing that occurs after years and years of not being able to let an old dynamic die. It may
also be a literal feeling of achievement that makes you want to pinch yourself because you can’t believe this
day has finally come. This eclipse is loaded with all the right ingredients, and some extra surprises included.
Abundant Jupiter is conjoining this lunar boost and together that are plugged into electric Uranus to set
something in motion in your life with a rare and promising speed. Communications are fortuitous and good
news could land in your life without notice. A dramatic swing in your relationships within key connections
and friendships can also change your life in fruitful ways.

Lastly, action Mars spends his final days in fellow water sign Scorpio before entering Sagittarius in early January,
so direct your will with powerful intent and you will make significant Soul strides as we move into the New Year!