For December 23-29, 2019
Image: "In an open field, a windmill slowly spinning"
Message: Steady progress.

Authority figures or business managers may be particularly difficult this week.
Expect emotional demands in the workplace to be intense and highly political.
Some Pisceans, especially those born late in February, may also experience a powerful and unexpected romantic proposal on the workscene.
Take extra time to sort out your feelings: a cautious, well evaluated response is best.
Early Tuesday evening social plans will change: expect fast disruptions and new time schedules.
Many Pisceans will now be openly challenged by distrustful or anxious friends.
Key areas of concern may involve past romantic statements, private attractions or social doubt.
Graciously forget all such behavior: for the next eight to nine days close friends may react without considering the true facts.
We all have our fears: be supportive.