Pisces Weekly Sunday 2nd June 2019

A new moon suggests a fresh start.
Monday's accents the very base of your solar chart: your assets department.
It may be time to give these a spring clean.
Of course, this task might be thrust upon you if you're dealing with legacies, estate planning or other people's finances.
You might also, under these conditions, find better utility deals and perhaps even streamline at both the domestic and office level to create more space.
It would be understandable if all of this proved to be an exhausting process.
Yet it may be necessary before you can truly move on.
Note that at the beginning of next month there is a solar Eclipse in another of the Water signs.
Preparing for that might well require dealing with old paperwork, and archiving.
All this though, could put you in touch with those who enjoy tidying up loose ends and who's enthusiasm for order rubs off on you.