Starcast for the week beginning December 18th, 2019
We are just on the heels of desire planet Mars in Scorpio forming a supreme angle of grace to your ruler
Neptune, igniting either an ultimate healing or an initiation of a long held dream. There is unimaginable
kindling inherent in this alignment, to sustain a Soul fire within you that keeps you reaching for the stars.
Mars is now moving into a supportive angle to Saturn and Pluto where you will be gaining the admiration
of onlookers, a respect you have been seeking for quite some time. Loving Venus enters Aquarius on
Friday, Dec. 20, and squares Uranus over the weekend, suggesting either someone is going to be surprised
by you or you are going to experience a surprise of your own. If your life course changes suddenly,
do know there is a tremendous amount of karmic flair in the air, so fated events are likely, which can
be experienced as a one heck of a heavenly nod. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn joins abundant
Jupiter on Christmas Night and together they form a compelling angle of support to Uranus, wrapping
your communications with speed and good fortune.

You have proven yourself Pisces, and in one area or another, it is time!