The Week Ahead for Pisces
Monday, 3 June ? Sunday, 9 June   Stepping back.
Sometimes there’s no point fighting your feelings. When Neptune’s got you by the gills, the more you try to
steer your way forward the more exhausted you’ll become. For some Pisceans this diagnosis applies to health
and fitness in that you are feeling under the weather or somewhat drained. So, there is no point pushing yourself,
you need to rest and relax. For others it relates to struggling to make a situation work. In which case, release
your grip, and gain some distance and perspective. There is something you are simply not seeing, and stepping
back should bring clarity.

The Month Ahead for Pisces
June 2019
Jupiter’s passage through the zone of career and life-direction is half-way through. Steps you may have taken
in January and events that occurred out of the blue, should now reveal their potential. The weekend of the 15th
has much to offer in the way of realizing a dream or realizing you need to go back to the drawing board!
Mid-June’s alignments are tough, but, they’re tough for a reason: those things that are out of control need to
be reined in, and that may well include a working or romantic relationship that has allowed the other person to
acquire too much power and control. Put your foot down, Pisces. Nicely but firmly.