For December 14-20, 2019
Image: "Tiny cranks and levers inside a grandfather clock"
Message: Inner mechanisms.

Listen to your instincts and deeper feelings this week.
Aspects indicate that before Tuesday you may receive powerful insights concerning the behavior or power needs of a relative or close friend.
To some degree, business relationships or money decisions may also be involved.
Key relationships will now enter a period of clarity and renewed spontaneity.
Over the next few days also expect to regain respect for a friend or lover's ability to handle the complexities of the business world.
Learn well: in the coming weeks and months a series of business proposals or private employment interests may be compelling.
Independent thought and highly creative communications will be a likely theme throughout summer: use this time to prepare, research and find new income sources.
After Thursday a past relationship may reappear: watch for old lovers or distant friends to issue unique invitations.
Go slow: confusing emotions will be triggered.