Starcast for the week beginning December 11th, 2019
There may have been a recent dip in your days, but you are due to be feeling good again. A Full Moon in Gemini
squares your ruler Neptune late on Wednesday, Dec. 11, so the clarity and calm that you seek may not surface
until after this lunar event peaks. However, you will be carrying an extra swell of energy with action Mars forming
an angle of heavenly perfection to your ruler Neptune in your sign. Seriously, anything is possible now when you
call on your higher guides as well as the Gods/Goddesses. You will be feeling more empowered by the day to
reach your highest calling. Expansive Jupiter is in Capricorn in your house of like-minded others and connecting
in electric ways to Uranus in Taurus in your house of communication, suggesting that novel ways of communicating
can energize unimaginable breakthroughs and a way forward you never saw coming.

Your mind is moving fast and your will is strong and certain. With those two working for you, there is no telling
how high you can fly!