Starcast for the week beginning December 4th, 2019
You are getting a running head start this week Pisces, as Mars in fellow water sign is partnering with your
ruler Neptune in the same way a surfer waits for the epic wave that is building. Timing will be important if
you want to catch the ride of your life, or at least the wave of the year. If you start paddling too soon, you
could very well miss your opening. Fortunately, wisdom-holder Jupiter is in patient Capricorn, which means
he knows all about right timing. He will be advising you well through your keen sixth sense and if you can’t
trust that alone, your body will be telling you all that you need to know. Loving Venus and action Mars are
blending harmoniously right out of the gates this week and it will have you connecting more deeply, and in
some cases more intimately, with the ones that you love. Mercury joins the Sun in Sagittarius up in your
house of career and the public self on Monday, Dec. 9, adding more potential for accolades and recognition
that validate the fact that you are right on track. With Jupiter and Uranus streamlined, your outreach leads
to unforeseen breakthroughs.

Take a chance and the wind that suddenly starts to blow at your back will lift you straight out of your shoes!