Pisces Weekly Sunday 1st December 2019

Your ruling planet, Jupiter's, move into Capricorn on Tuesday 3rd, is unlikely to pass unnoticed.
For a whole year that planet will be passing through an area of your solar chart associated with networking and distribution.
Anticipate that your social world will expand.
It will help if you are selective about which groups you want to be associated with.
On that note, and as the Moon passes through your sign this week, you could perhaps review which associations you belong to and which you've outgrown.
It may be time to move on.
There is also the strong possibility of you being asked to act as mentor.
Whilst this might not necessarily happen this week,
you could nevertheless be 'mentioned in dispatches' as a possible guide to someone facing big challenges in 2020.
A further, and strong possibility before the weekend is renewed contact with someone you once studied with and who is now working in a field which has fascination for you too.