Pisces Monthly December 2019

December 2019 is super special.
Super because the planet associated with that adjective is Jupiter which moves into Capricorn on December 3rd.
By the Solar Eclipse on 26th, Jupiter will appear aligned with the Sun.
This too is important.
And yes, super can be a bad hero as much as it could be a good one.
Focusing on the bright side however that is Jupiter crosses the world axis on December 3, those born under your sign could be in the spotlight.
Your ability to see what could be will surely be enhanced.
Financially this could be your moment.
Those of your sign have a wonderful flexibility in thinking.
True, cash cannot be conjured up out of thin air.
Even so, you may have a sense of how the financial wheels may be oiled.
December is of course the month of giftgiving and caution will be needed not to overspend.
Jupiter's influence here may be to draw you to items that are overpriced (especially between 9th and 20th).
The latter date could find you negotiating a singular financial banana skin.
As for the many people the last few days of December promise much excitement and yes, investment opportunity.
In your case, you could be drawn to well-established Companies.
Do ensure before investing however that you analyse - and preferably take avice from a financial advisor.