Monday, 2 December ? Sunday, 8 December  The more the merrier.
Jupiter takes approximately twelve months to pass through each sign of the zodiac, and wherever it is based,
growth is assured. For you, this planet of increase will be focussing its largesse on collaborations and creative
projects, friendships and teamwork. So, if you have been toying with the idea of going into business or combining
your talents with others, obey that impulse. The week ahead, however, requires concentration and commitment:
don’t allow yourself to be distracted or undermined, and recognize spin and smoke and mirrors when you come
across them.

December 2019
There are silver linings if you look for them. Maybe you’re not going to get all you wished for and more, but
this Christmas you’re going to discover who and what really count. A love affair could be taking root under
the radar ? one or both of you reluctant to reveal your feelings ? but, on the other hand, a long-standing
relationship could be showing signs of metal fatigue. On or near the 12th, information could surface that changes
your opinion of someone, and it may be appropriate to reconsider a personal or professional commitment.
The New Year comes in with the Moon in Pisces and you on top form.