Weekly Pisces General Horoscope starting 31 May
If we choose to ignore our intuition, then it's often because we believe it can't see the seriousness of a situation
in ways our eyes can. Combine this with a fear of failure and the voice of negativity can easily drown out the
voice of inner wisdom. If you want to make progress in an area of your world this week, then it's important to
ignore negativity and take serious notice of the positive words of encouragement your inner wisdom offers. You
know intuitively what plan of action is wrong and what plan of action is right. For now, that's all you need to know.

Monthly Pisces General Horoscope for June
We might not be able to identify or connect with some confusing emotions but tend to connect instantly with
feelings of insecurity or anxiety. Both also feel strongest when we're in the throes of change and trying to adjust
to it. Fortunately, once we accept and embrace what has changed, we often reduce the lifespan of both. This
month, you could be prone to enhanced feelings of self-doubt or uncertainty but it's important to accept how in
control of both you are. As positive developments offer a valid reason to feel more reassured and secure, you'll
be able to banish feelings of angst or restlessness before they get a chance to take root.