Starcast for the week beginning November 20th, 2019
The world as you know it may be feeling progressively more and more like a coiled spring in the coming week,
for it won’t take much for those around you to get angry or for anxieties to suddenly skyrocket. Action Mars
has entered fellow water sign Scorpio and is moving into an opposition to radical Uranus this weekend. Peace
does not come easy and may come at a price under these electric skies, but there will be plenty of charge to
also elicit necessary transformation. Mars in Scorpio generates a high degree of passion to empower your Soul
in a deeply profound way, so savor the self-confidence it brings. Mercury is also stationing direct in Scorpio
on Wednesday, Nov. 20, adding more details to the depths of your dream and inviting further conversation with
others who have the power to bring out the best in you. Relationships, you come to find, are your ticket in terms
of receiving ‘the vote’ as loving Venus and Jupiter join forces in Sagittarius up at the top of your chart, earning
you considerable notice.

A New Moon in Sag sweetens that deal on Tuesday, Nov. 26, and it fans those flames to strive until you summit!