Pisces Weekly Sunday 17th November 2019

There is very significant planetary attention in another of the Water signs.
Mars' entry into Scorpio is followed by Mercury's station in that sign.
A good image for this would be someone stirring a puddle of water.
There comes a point where silt has to come to the surface.
Unpleasant as this may be, you could then see ways of removing that silt and bringing clarity back to a situation.
In fact, that may be your role.
Within every Pisces, there is a core of your opposite sign of Virgo.
Though Pisces generally gets a bad press for being apparently uncoordinated and at times forgetful,
it is also true that you could be super efficient, hold a long-term vision and make excellent presentation.
The alignment of Venus and Jupiter at the very apex of your solar chart next weekend coupled with another major aspect,
suggests you could astound others by removing that 'silt' and showing clear genius.