Pisces Love Friday 15th November 2019

There are times when the emotional waves can be very, very deep.
That seems likely between this weekend and next.
It's not just that Mercury is about station in another of the Water signs, but that Mars arrives in Scorpio (another Water sign).
You could be made all too well aware of what's really bothering others and rack your brains as to how you might put things right for them.
This though may not be the optimal approach.
It's perhaps necessary that they swim through dark times before they reach clearer waters.
That might also be true for you.
In the process however, and assuming that you can avoid being close to those who are overly dramatic at the best of times,
you could secure a relationship (possibly with someone born under Sagittarius).
The way in which they are coping with could reinvigorate you and put fuel in your romantic tank.