Starcast for the week beginning November 13th, 2019
Dreams really can and do come true. There may be many levels and layers to what you envision as the ideal,
and at least one significant layer, if not more, will become a reality this week. Mercury is retrograding back in
fellow water sign Scorpio and aligning in heavenly ways with your ruler Neptune early on, allowing a little more
magic to enter your life. A Full Moon in Taurus gets the balling rolling in your house of expression and is
powerfully aligned with Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, to anchor you on a path and in some cases energize a
degree of recognition for all that has led to this moment in time. Action Mars and generous Jupiter are teaming
up in promotional ways, suggesting someone who has the power to make a considerable difference in your life
sees something truly special in you. For those of you who have been on track, unwaveringly so, prepare for the
cosmic nod.

All eyes are on you!