Starcast for the week beginning May 29th, 2019
Regardless of the numerous things that may be calling for your attention in your immediate reality, you have
an impressive beacon in the sky that is pulling for you. Your ruler Neptune is in your sign, a place it has not
been for 165 years. When Neptune is in stress it can create a feeling of invisibility, however, if it is in support
as it is now, it can take your life to unforeseen heights. Neptune is currently forming majestic angles to the
Nodes, those symbols that connect to your past and your future, which may manifest outcomes as a result of
celestial support that is not always visible to the human eye. It may also take some patience and trust in the
timing of the unveiling. It will be essential that you align with your highest self at all times while continuing to
stay determined no matter what. Action Mars is in fellow water sign Cancer which will fuel your emotions with
a passion that keeps your inner fire going. Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune upon entry into this forecast
week which could make the path feel fuzzy and uncertain but loving Venus in Taurus is combining with Saturn
and Pluto in Capricorn in a way that may usher in surprising communications that make your heart explode in
the best possible way. A New Moon in Gemini on Monday, June 3, will also promote a spirited boost, keeping
things light with the ones you love.

When all else fails, ‘give it up to the Gods’, and the heavens will happily take it from there!