Starcast for the week beginning November 6th, 2019
You are pulling through a high pressure turn with warrior Mars squaring powerful Pluto, one that has stretched
your Soul and beyond. It may have felt like you could not take one more thing, and yet with Saturn forming a
stabilizing angle to your ruler Neptune, there is dependable support that you can lean on as well as arms where
you can find refuge. The dreams you are energizing now are realistic and well-founded and beyond that, they
are probable because of the way you have devoted your energy and time. You deserve this, Pisces. Mercury in
fellow water sign Scorpio retrogrades back to join the Sun on Monday, Nov. 11, to grant you further confirmation
of this vision which will feel like a ticket to your future. While Mas has recently been in great stress, he is
forming a tremendous angle of support to benevolent Jupiter in your house of the public self, granting you a
well-earned and timely leg up that allows you to escalate and ascend, this time without interruption.

Take a wild leap of faith and you will land on top!