Pisces Weekly Sunday 3rd November 2019

Venus has now arrived at the apex of your solar chart and before long it's probable you know exactly what it is that you want.
For now though, with Mercury retrograde in another of the Water signs, it might seem that you being held back through lack of knowledge or information.
Acquiring that will likely require effort.
Yet this is something you can do.
Yes, you may need to jump up and down and possibly be super demanding midweek.
Yet by next Friday, an apology could be winging its way.
If not that, then the path ahead could be so much smoother.
Note that the cosmic background presently is not an easy one: there's been tension in the area since 2016.
It doesn't clear for some time yet.
It's perhaps wise to see this as a transition phase.
If you haven't already begun so, perhaps now is the time to start meditating.