For November 2-8, 2019
Image: "In springtime, a fast stream of glacial water"
Message: Fresh sources.

Romantic feelings and long term relationships will be on your mind this week.
Listen to the subtle clues of lovers or family members.
At present many Pisceans may encounter a sudden increase in sensual attraction and love in primary relationships.
Expect new ultimatums in close relationships: before the end of November loved ones will attempt to greatly increase their social and romantic involvement in your life.
Some Pisceans, especially those born in mid-March, may also find that revised financial information soon leads to new family planning or purchases.
Long-term business or money commitments will now become briefly vague, scattered or unpredictable.
Trust your instincts: over the next eight or nine days your original ideas, business vision or financial proposals will provide the more positive results.
A demanding and complex few days: stay focused and get extra rest.